Saturday 22 September 2007

Digital immigration

Having just gone through an ordeal to complete and submit my application for citizenship in the UK, you'll appreciate that I was dismayed to discover that I am regarded as a 'digital immigrant', as well, by ad agencies and computer buffs (but they're probably not called computer buffs anymore).

So, I'm on Skype. I even bought the little headset. But I can't work out how to find anyone. So if you want to talk to me on Skype, you'll have to come and find me. My username is saminegland2.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

The view out the window from the new job

Remember that scene in the new Bond film where the bad guy rings his broker in London to tell him to invest everything in a short position in the aircraft manufacturer's shares? Well, I've got pretty much the same view as the broker. Cool.