Sunday 21 February 2010

Meet Mr Winch!

Meet Mr Winch. It's been some months since I put up our clothes drying frame. From the beginning, it had occurred to me that this contraption could be dangerous if mishandled. When the rack is full, it's actually quite heavy, and a slip of the rope could bring the whole thing crashing down. So I was on the lookout for a winch, anyway.

Then, while I was in Columbus this past month, Susie simply did not use the rack, because it was too heavy for her to manage fully loaded. So I went online and ordered a winch (apparently designed to be mounted on a pickup truck for use hauling boats onto boat trailers).

There were lots of nuts and gear ends and things which needed to be nestled into the wooden frame I designed for mounting the winch on the wall. But it's now in place and, voila! It works!

We're also working on building a linen cupboard at the top of the stairs. I'm using this opportunity to practice gluing boards together so that when the time comes to make book shelves, I'll be all practised-up! So in the last week or so, I've also bought a lot of sash clamps and such. Fun! The good news is that there's plenty of room for improvement.

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